5th Annual Meeting
September 21-23, 2021
Virtual Event

BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe

BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe 2021

The aim of the BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe is to be a forum for sharing knowledge about the practice of, production with, and planning of BIBFRAME implementation.
We bring together people working in the transition from MARC to Linked Data using the BIBFRAME model and related tools.
The workshop areas are strongly focused on the practical implementation of BIBFRAME, not a theoretical Linked Data / Semantic Web event.

The 2021 workshop will also be replaced with a virtual event owing to the Coronavirus pandemic.

The Organizer Group is very grateful to the National Széchényi Library in Budapest, Hungary, for offering to host the event and hope to have the opportunity to accept the invitation and meet in person in Budapest in the future.


Monday, September 21 - Day 1, Implementation Updates

 Virtual Event

4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Central European Summer Time, UTC +2)


  • Leif Andresen
    Royal Danish Library

    Leif Andresen is Chief Consultant at Royal Danish Library. He works with bibliographic development and development of technical interoperability in the library area - at the library, nationally and internationally. He has been active in international standardization in nearly 25 years; e.g. as convenor of ISO workings group about RFID in libraries and Interlibrary Loons. As chair of the national Danish Bibliographic Committee, he was instigator of the annual workshop in Europe about BIBFRAME starting in 2017.

    Welcome and practicalities
  • Sally H. McCallum
    Library of Congress
    Library of Congress BF100 Project

    The Library of Congress has a goal of moving all (or most) of its cataloging input to the BIBFRAME system this year. To support this for over 300 catalogers, the infrastructure, the editor, and the conversions of data to MARC had to be improved -- plus a rethinking of training was needed. This will be a report on where we are, hurdles overcome, and what is not working yet.

  • Fredrik Klingwall
    National Library of Sweden
    Connecting the nodes

    An update from the National Library of Sweden regarding the BIBFRAME implementation in Libris XL. Including an overview of the experiences in production so far and the process of going from a development project to regular operations in a changing environment. Further thoughts on our challenges integrating internal and external systems with BIBFRAME and linked data for different user needs and workflows in the years to come. Most specifically digital content and production of metadata through automated processes and machine learning. Taking into account compatibility with other ontologies making library data as usable as possible, independent of systems or descriptive standards.

  • Tiziana Possemato
    Anna Lionetti
    Filip Jakobsen
    Andrea Gazzarini
    Share-VDE 2.0: latest advancements of the Linked Data Management and Discovery ecosystem

    Share-VDE library driven initiative is at a turning point: the numerous work strands running in parallel are converging towards the SVDE 2.0 linked data management and discovery system that will be progressively completed over 2021 and 2022 and enhanced by connected services.
    The underlying LOD Platform framework is being upgraded to respond to the sophisticated search logic and query languages orchestrated by the back-end API layer and to the advancements in entity data modeling, that increases the interoperability among BIBFRAME and IFLA LRM based systems. The J.Cricket tool will enable the editing of linked data entities in a collaborative environment that can be integrated with a new generation of services for the authority control, comprising both manual and automatic validation of data.
    At the core of the system, the CKB – Cluster Knowledge Base is undergoing significant changes to be compliant with the improved entity model and to offer a greater level of authoritativeness of its data.
    The presentation layer on top of this articulated infrastructure is the new entity discovery system based on BIBFRAME, that will display granular information about the clusters of resources of SVDE libraries.
    All these components will also serve the implementation of a tenant architecture whereby library catalogues from institutions of the broader Share Family of initiatives will be grouped by similar domains or characteristics in ad hoc tenants. This enables each tenant to manage the data independently, allowing in the same time exchange and cooperation with other tenants.
    This collection of achievements is the outcome of continuous contribution from the SVDE working groups, that provide input to the development team with the aim to build an interoperable ecosystem interacting also with other environments such as LD4P, and to promote the Share Family of initiatives that rely on the same technology.

Q&A & Discussion
  • Leif Andresen
    Royal Danish Library
    Wrap-up of Day 1
End of Conference Day 1

Tuesday, September 22 - Day 2, New Developments

 Virtual Event

4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Central European Summer Time, UTC +2)


Day 1 Recap
  • Osma Suominen
    National Library of Finland
    Welcome and summary of day 1
  • Jeremy Nelson
    Stanford University/LD4P
    Matt Miller
    Library of Congress
    A tale of two editors

    A BIBFRAME editor, Sinopia, has been developed as part of the LD4P Mellon grant program. It is built to serve and be used by multiple institutions. The development specs were group-driven by LD4P participants. The Library of Congress has developed a new editor for the Library’s large BIBFRAME Pilot program. It’s design was informed by Pilot participants with experience using the “old” editor and experience with BIBFRAME input. These editors are similar and different. The chief developers will give an introduction to the two approaches taken and leave time for panel discussion.

  • Jason Kovari
    Cornell University
    Simeon Warner
    Cornell University
    Philip E. Schreur
    Stanford University
    Tom Cramer
    Stanford University
    Michelle Futornic
    Stanford University
    Sinopia & FOLIO: Bridging the gap to linked data cataloging

    As part of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation supported Linked Data for Production: Closing the Loop (LD4P) project, Cornell and Stanford Universities are exploring work to integrate the Sinopia RDF editor with the FOLIO open source library services platform. The Sinopia RDF editor developed under LD4P facilitates cataloging in BIBFRAME and other ontologies. The proof of concept integration will allow FOLIO-implementing libraries to use Sinopia for rich bibliographic description for a portion of their collection, in parallel with continuing use of MARC for other items. RDF data will be stored in Sinopia while also storing enough data in the FOLIO Inventory to allow for collection management and circulation of materials described in Sinopia. This integration will be a vital step in making RDF a mainstreamed part of library cataloging, helping weave linked data into everyday library workflows and bridging the gap between the MARC and LOD worlds.
    In this presentation, we will provide a brief overview of Sinopia and FOLIO, detail the scope of the planned implementation and outline the community process for this work.

  • Jeremy Nelson
    Stanford University
    Sinolio: An upcoming pilot on integrating the Sinopia linked data editor in FOLIO
    Sinopia, the open-source linked-data editor, is exploring a FOLIO integration in the fall of 2021. This effort called informally Sinolio (a portmanteau of Sinopia and FOLIO) the focus will be on API-level integration with a Sinopia Resource like BIBFRAME Works, Instances, and Items having a representation in FOLIO Inventory's Holdings, Instances, and Items.
  • Zainab Abba Haliru
    Bauchi State University
    Diffusion of BIBFRAME among cataloguers in Nigeria libraries : an examination of adopter categories

    The study aims to examine the adopter categories of cataloguers working in Nigerian libraries. The study is pertinent for identifying cataloguers who could effectively speed up the necessary intervention aimed at disseminating Bibframe and launching Nigerian libraries fully into into the linked data race. Targeting the groups is critical for transferring the technological skills required for the cataloguers readiness for applying linked data. The study is gathered data through an online survey. The instruments were adapted from Mcquiggan (2006); Davis (1989); Moore and Benbasat (1991). The study population is sox hundred fifty catalogue registered in the Nigerian Library Association (NLA) Cataloguing, Classification and indexing section. Simple random sampling was used to select one half of the population as the respondents. Data was analysed with descriptive and inferential statistics. Frequency tables and percentages were used to organise categorical data, while logistic regression was used to forecast adopter status. Four independent factors we're used as predictors of adoption: relative advantage, compatibility, complexity and organisational norms

  • Leif Andresen
    Royal Danish Library
    Wrap-up of day 2
  • Elizabeth Russey Roke
    Emory University
    Jason Kovari
    Cornell University
    ARM 1.0: Filling in the BIBFRAME gaps for the description of art, archival and rare materials
    The Art & Rare Materials BIBFRAME Ontology Extension has just released version 1.0. ARM represents an effort by the Art Libraries Society of North America, the Rare Books and Manuscripts Section of ACRL and the Society of American Archivists to facilitate the description of archival collections, art objects and rare materials in a BIBFRAME environment. Available at: https://github.com/Art-and-Rare-Materials-BF-Ext/arm , the outputs include an OWL ontology file and multiple SKOS vocabularies; implementation guidelines to aid use will be available in August 2021. In this presentation, we will provide an overview of the ARM data model and highlight major updates between version 0.1 and 1.0. We will also explore specific use cases for the ARM BIBFRAME extension and provide examples of modeling approaches for art, rare books, and archival materials using both ARM and BIBFRAME that meet national and international descriptive standards within these communities.
End of Conference Day 2

Wednesday, September 23 - Day 3, Data Exchange

 Virtual Event

4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. (Central European Summer Time, UTC +2)


Day 1 & 2 Recap
  • Leif Andresen
    Royal Danish Library
    Welcome and summary of day 1 & 2
  • Kevin Ford
    Library of Congress
    BIBFRAME Ontology Update
    The BIBFRAME Ontology has been essentially frozen for a couple of years while adventurous institutions implemented without having the ontology slip out from under them. They were encouraged to create elements they needed in their own namespace and test them out or look for BIBFRAME-related ontologies to use. The Library of Congress has followed those guidelines itself by using bflc: for properties or classes it thought it needed. Then after organizing the suggested changes that had been submitted and having them reviewed, the Library revised (mostly broadened) the BIBFRAME Ontology. This presentation looks at the changes made and a framework for ongoing stability with change for BIBFRAME.
What role can RDA/RDF play in the transition to linked library data?
BIBFRAME is divergent from, and to some degree incompatible with, Resource Description and Access (RDA) and the Library Reference Model (LRM). RDA plays an important role in the creation of MARC library data, and RDA 3R is anticipated to continue RDA's prominent role in creating both MARC and BIBFRAME data. However, RDA data can be expressed using RDA-RDF, so why do so many libraries favor the BIBFRAME linked-data model for creating data based on RDA rules?
In this panel discussion, moderators from the University of Washington Libraries will pose questions related to the RDA and BIBFRAME data models. Five distinguished panelists (Karen Coyle, Gordon Dunsire, Diane Hillman, Damian Iseminger, Sofia Zapounidou) will share their thoughts on the two models and, as they are inclined, compare and contrast BIBFRAME and RDA and, perhaps, other data models as well.
  • Convener

    Crystal Clements
    University of Washington

    Theo Gerontakos
    University of Washington
    Karen Coyle
    Gordon Dunsire
    Diane Hillman
    Damian Iseminger
    Sofia Zapounidou
    What role can RDA/RDF play in the transition to linked library data?
BIBFRAME data exchange
  • Convener

    Philip E. Schreur
    Stanford University
  • Reinhold Heuvelmann
    German National Library
    Fredrik Klingwall
    National Library of Sweden
    Report on the PCC meeting on BIBFRAME data exchange
  • Fredrik Klingwall
    National Library of Sweden
    Andrew MacEwan
    British Library
    Sally McCallum
    Library of Congress
    Chiara Storti
    Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale Firenze
    Panel discussion on BIBFRAME data exchange
Wrap up
  • Leif Andresen
    Royal Danish Library
    Wrap up, closing and BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe 2022
End of Conference


Listed in order of programme schedule

Organizer Group

Harriet Aagaard, National Library of Sweden
Leif Andresen, Royal Danish Library (Spokesperson)
Michele Casalini, Casalini Libri and Share-VDE
Reinhold Heuvelmann, German National Library
Miklós Lendvay, National Széchényi Library of Hungary
Sally H. McCallum, Library of Congress - NDMSO
Philip E. Schreur, Stanford University and LD4P
Osma Suominen, National Library of Finland