BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe 2020

The aim of the BIBFRAME Workshop in Europe is to be a forum for sharing knowledge about the practice of, production with, and planning of BIBFRAME implementation.
We bring together people working in the transition from MARC to Linked Data using the BIBFRAME model and related tools.
The workshop areas are strongly focused on the practical implementation of BIBFRAME, not a theoretical Linked Data / Semantic Web event.
For 2020 the workshop is replaced by an online event because of the coronavirus pandemic.
Tuesday, September 22
Leif Andresen is Chief Consultant at Royal Danish Library. He works with bibliographic development and development of technical interoperability in the library area - at the library, nationally and internationally. He has been active in international standardization in nearly 25 years; e.g. as convenor of ISO workings group about RFID in libraries and Interlibrary Loons. As chair of the national Danish Bibliographic Committee, he was instigator of the annual workshop in Europe about BIBFRAME starting in 2017.
Welcome and practicalities
Philip Schreur is currently the Associate University Librarian for Technical and Access Services at Stanford University. He earned a PhD from Stanford in Medieval music theory and an MLIS from the University of California, Berkeley. Philip has been the Chair of the Program for Cooperative cataloging and deeply involved in the implementation of the new cataloging rules Resource, Description and Access (RDA) in the United States. With a mid-career move to HighWire Press, he developed an interest in the automated taxonomic analysis of digital texts. Currently, he is in charge of coordinating linked-data project development for the Stanford University Libraries (SUL). Initial areas of interest include the use of linked data as a mechanism for identity management across traditional resources and those within the digital library, the integration of linked data from disparate sources, and the transition of traditional technical services workflows to processes rooted in linked open data.
Progress of LD4P the last year
Linked Data for Production: Pathway to Implementation (LD4P2) has made great progress in its core goals: Sinopia development, metadata reuse, Questioning Authority (QA), discovery, and community. LD4P2 officially ended in June of 2020 and we moved into our next phase, Closing the Loop, in July. In addition to extended tool development the creation of the PCC Data Pool, LD4P3 will focus on the connections between individual tools and services to create a cohesive environment in which Technical Services can do their work.
Tiziana Possemato holds a degree in Philosophy (La Sapienza Rome), diplomas in Archival Science and Library Sciences (Vatican Schools) and a Masters degree in Archivistics, Librarianship and Codicology (University of Florence). She is currently Doctoral researcher in Library Sciences at the University of Florence with the project entitled Another Brick in the Wall: building bridges of knowledge in the digital age. Tiziana has led numerous projects for library automation, analysis, mapping and conversion of catalogue data, and the design of information retrieval systems, with a specific interest in Linked Open Data and the Semantic Web. She is the Chief Information Officer of Casalini Libri, and partner and director of @Cult.
Michele Casalini is CEO of Casalini Libri, a bibliographic agency, library supplier and digital aggregator. Following studies in Modern Languages and Literature, and a period working with the publishing company La Nuova Italia, Michele specialised in the field of Information Technology and Management. He has been active member in standardization processes such as the definition of EDIFACT for the book sector and the translation of RDA into Italian. Among his recent interests is the digital transition and the current situation of HSS academic publishing, in particular the potential risks of marginalisation facing these subject areas, and analysis of collaborative measures that can contribute to preserving cultural heritage for the future. In May 2019 Michele accepted from the University of Florence an honorary degree celebrating his dedication and contribution to the field of Library and Information Science, the very first bestowal of the honour in question for merit in modern librarianship by an Italian university.
Linked Open Data in Share-VDE: instructions for use
Share-VDE is a network of interconnected libraries that share their data to build a new, common authoritative knowledge base with a set of related services. On the SVDE discovery portal end users are presented with data from several libraries and can navigate through resources connected to one another coming from different sources. And all SVDE data is linked data and applies BIBFRAME model. The original focus of SVDE was on end-users: to give them access to a huge amount of data coming from different libraries (currently more than 120 millions of records) in a usable way. Progressively, the initiative has evolved towards a more operational and collaborative scenario, keeping the attention on the end users' requirements, but studying and proposing a set of tools also for professional users, to accompany the entire library community towards a new era. Integration, autonomy, community engagement, shared vision are the pillars of the SVDE approach that we follow in order to achieve such interconnections, followed by practical experiences and implementation examples for both the end users (researchers or students), and for the professional users (librarians). These pillars are Share-VDE "instructions for use".
Harriet Aagaard is a librarian at the Metadata and Systems Support department at the National Library of Sweden. She has been part of the Libris XL project for several years.
National Library Implementation - Sweden the last year
The National Library of Sweden replaced a MARC21 system in June 2018 with a cataloguing system developed in-house, based on Linked Data and the BIBFRAME vocabulary. New features and functionality has been added since the start. In September 2020 version 1.19 will be released. What has been done the last year?
Miklós Lendvay has received his IT-degree in Germany, specialised in modelling complex electrical circuits. He had the possibility to implement his knowledge in practice as design engineer at companies with nationwide and European networks. He has participated in several IT projects in 8 different European countries and took part in rethinking of existing systems and designing new. His responsibilities included the widest range of project tasks: design of the system, specifications, selection and implementation of the best technical solution, system testing, user training, followed several times by the maintenance / support work and continuous upgrades of the systems. Beside the selection of the most suitable technical solutions he has also acted as a project manager of international-multicultural teams for over 20 years. He had the chance to gain professional experience at several types of companies, at different types of banks, foundations, associations, book and periodical publishing houses, acting in several countries of Europe, in the Hungarian National Library and in nationwide cooperation / consortia of libraries. At the National Széchényi Library he has been the Director of e-Services / Information Technology in the past 5,5 years. He is currently project manager of the so called Hungarian National Library Platform (HNLP - webpage:, which is developing a cloud based distributed system for the whole library sector in Hungary, This is a very comprehensive solution; including the common catalogue, interlibrary loan, traditional Integrated Library System Functions, ISBN office, digital library, namespace, web archiving, mass digitisation etc. He is actively encouraging the collaboration between all types of libraries within Hungary in this process. He is taking part in the international collaboration of the FOLIO community and platform (the Future of Libraries is Open).
Hungarian National Library Platform implementation
In 2016 a group of Hungarian libraries took the liberty to ask the fundamental questions: what sort of IT solution, what sort of platform do the libraries (all sorts of libraries, national, academic, public, church, school etc. libraries) need today in order to manage their everyday traditional tasks and to cope with the new challenges: new types of materials, the increasing participation of other stakeholders (publishers, scientists, citizen science etc.), the desire of meaningful integration of cultural domains etc.
We have set up four pillars for a new approach:
• entity based, flexible data format, independent from domain specific data exchange formats, storing triplets - involving all types of namespaces
• modularity - microservices: the flexibility to build customized platforms for institutions, departments, participants - providing a choice of functions, enabling parallel work processes
• flexible workflows - combinations of the processing steps, in the desired order, analyzing certain conditions
• real multi-tenancy - private and shared data between participants
How can a completely flexible data format look like? How can the FRBR structure be used in this context? In spite of this freedom, how is data exchange possible, via MARC21, BIBFRAME, DC and any other exchange formats? How is the RDA cataloging standard supporting the semantic connections between data? How can we interlink vocabularies, the platform internal one and the commonly used ones? How different Namespaces can be connected? How do our systems understand each other in this flexibility and openness?The Hungarian community is not alone in this quest and development: the international community and software platform, the Future of Libraries is Open (FOLIO) is asking the same questions. What is the relation between the two platforms, and how HNLP and FOLIO support each other now and in the future?
Ian Bigelow is the Head of Cataloguing Strategies at the University of Alberta Library. He completed his MLIS at Western University and has undergraduate degrees in mathematics and classical studies. He is currently a member of the Program for Cooperative Cataloging Policy Committee, Canadian Committee on Cataloguing, Canadian BIBFRAME Readiness Task Force, Share VDE Advisory Council, Share-VDE Sapientia Entity Identification Working Group, Linked Data for Production (LD4P) Profiles Working/Affinity Group, and PCC Linked Data Advisory Committee.
Michele Casalini is CEO of Casalini Libri, a bibliographic agency, library supplier and digital aggregator. Following studies in Modern Languages and Literature, and a period working with the publishing company La Nuova Italia, Michele specialised in the field of Information Technology and Management. He has been active member in standardization processes such as the definition of EDIFACT for the book sector and the translation of RDA into Italian. Among his recent interests is the digital transition and the current situation of HSS academic publishing, in particular the potential risks of marginalisation facing these subject areas, and analysis of collaborative measures that can contribute to preserving cultural heritage for the future. In May 2019 Michele accepted from the University of Florence an honorary degree celebrating his dedication and contribution to the field of Library and Information Science, the very first bestowal of the honour in question for merit in modern librarianship by an Italian university.
BIBFRAME Readiness: A Canadian Perspective
In 2018 the University of Alberta Library (UAL) joined the LD4P2 Cohort as a part of a wider strategy for linked data and BIBFRAME implementation. During the same year the Canadian BIBFRAME Readiness Task Force (CBRTF) was formed to produce documentation that outlines the impact of migrating from MARC to BIBFRAME on libraries in Canada; to assess the understanding of and readiness for BIBFRAME transition in libraries in Canada; and to make recommendations for how the Canadian Federation of Library Associations / Fédération canadienne des associations de bibliothèques (CFLA-FCAB), Fédération des milieux documentaires (FMD), and Library and Archives Canada can support Canadian libraries' transition to BIBFRAME. In this session, UAL's experience and successes working towards BIBFRAME implementation will be juxtaposed to the findings of the CBRTF survey that few libraries in Canada are fully prepared to transition from MARC to BIBFRAME in the near future. Through this juxtaposition we will examine the current state of BIBFRAME readiness in Canada and outline CBRTF recommendations for a shared path forward.
Wednesday, September 23
Rules for cataloguing and interoperability
Useful Links
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Organizer Group
Leif Andresen, Royal Danish Library (Spokesperson)
Michele Casalini, Casalini Libri and Share-VDE
Reinhold Heuvelmann, German National Library
Sally H. McCallum, Library of Congress - NDMSO
Philip E. Schreur, Stanford University and LD4P
Osma Suominen, National Library of Finland
Harriet Aagaard, National Library of Sweden
Miklós Lendvay, National Széchényi Library of Hungary
Leif Andresen, Royal Danish Library (Spokesperson)
Michele Casalini, Casalini Libri and Share-VDE
Reinhold Heuvelmann, German National Library
Sally H. McCallum, Library of Congress - NDMSO
Philip E. Schreur, Stanford University and LD4P
Osma Suominen, National Library of Finland
Harriet Aagaard, National Library of Sweden
Miklós Lendvay, National Széchényi Library of Hungary